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Tips And Methods For Safer Sex
Sex is the most pleasing activity of our life. Its attractions and rewards are enormous Aldara. It is not untrue to say 'no sex no life.' Life without sex will certainly become a dull and bore routine, meaningless and fruitless. While this natural process is full of such tremendous excitements, it is also full of life threatening hazards.
We all know the alarming situation of sexually transmitted diseases, where AIDS or HIV is more dominant and deadly. The toll is rising fast since people seek illegitimate sexual outlets where you do not know your sexual partners' standing (perhaps you are not the only one having sex with him or her); you do not know with what diseases he or she is suffering from. The answer to such a question is, avoid unprotected sex with new partners or while having sex outside the marriage boundary. But how safe is the use of condom, is it 100% safe?
The safest mean, of course, is the sexual relations between a husband and wife. This is what we consider the natural limits. When we cross any limit set by the nature Aldara, it will certainly punish us. Anal sex and sex between two identical sexes, all are like crossing the nature's boundary that invites certain punishments. As a result of crossing the limits set up by the nature, we find the rising cases of sexually transmitted diseases, and the life threatening hazards of AIDS or HIV.
Unprotected sex invites negative consequences, such as incurable diseases (HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis, and Herpes), curable diseases (Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonnorhea), Infertility, Cervical cancer, unwanted pregnancy and other complications associated with its termination, etc.
It is not fair and logical to advice to stay away from sex to save oneself from getting any sexually transmitted disease. Sex is a great gift of the nature which has to be enjoyed as much as possible. You can't stay away from sex and yet find the life enjoyable. Of course legitimate sex between a wife and husband is the safest mean to enjoy with this precious gift, but it is, of course, not always Aldara possible. We should, therefore, try to find more tips and methods for safer sex.
The use of condom prevents you from acquiring many sexually transmitted diseases; but this method is not 100% safe, be careful.
Put on the condom carefully; pinch the air out of the top when putting it on otherwise the condom can break. If you have to use lubricants, use a water-based one, otherwise other lubricating media like body lotion, butter, petroleum jelly, etc can break down latex condoms.
Use condoms of very high quality and only certified ones. Ensure condom's health (validity, proper storage, etc).
Avoid having sex with completely strange people. Remember, condoms are not 100% safe.
While engaging in oral sex, do not forget the hygienic side. Both he and she must clean the private parts before the act.
Avoid anal sex at all (don't forget nature's punishment).
Avoid anal and vaginal penetration during the course of single intercourse session.
Avoid using uncertified oils (in case of vaginal dryness), and other substances for lubrication; this is essential to prevent fungal and other infections.
Avoid having sex with sex workers, for the very apparent Aldara reasons which we all know. Do not rely on condoms.
Sex is a natural drive which, if done properly while taking care of the necessary precautions, can give you the pleasure which no other act can offer.

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